domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Atividades de Inglês (6º ano) Good Luck! Façam com muita atenção. Consulte um dicionário.

Seguem os membros da família em inglês, após lerem façam as atividades propostas.


» grandfather [avô]
» grandmother [avó]

Parents (pais)
» father [papai]
» mother [mamãe]
relatives (parentes)
» uncle [tio, titio]
» aunt [tia, titia]
» cousin [primo, prima]

 in-laws [familiares do cônjuge].
» father-in-law [sogro]
» mother-in-law [sogra]
» brother-in-law [cunhado]
» sister-in-law [cunhada]
1) Complete a árvore com os membros da família.
2) Leia  as informações e complete  as palavras cruzadas.
ACROSS                                                                                                        DOWN      
1.My father’s mother is called Mary. She is my…                      1.My daughter’s daughter is called Mary. She is my…
2.My parents’ parents are still alive. All 4 are my….                                 3.Sue is Tim’s mother. Tim is Sue’s…..
5.I have one child, a girl called Anna. Anna is my….                                4.   Paul is Jane’s uncle. Jane is Paul’s….
8.Bill’s father and my father are brothers. Bill is my…..                           6.   I am Susan’s son. She is my….
12.Peter is my son and Diana is my daughter. I have two…                      7.  He is my father’s brother. He is my…
13.My mother’s father is called David. He is my…..                                  9.  I married Carol 25 years ago. She is my….
15.My son has got two children called Martha and John.             10  .My parents are called John and Mary. John is my…
They are my…..   
16.Susan and I have the same parents. She is my……                  11.  Rachel is my mother’s sister. She is my…
17. I am married to Jim. He is my….                                             13. My daughter’s son is called Edward. Edward is my…
18.Jack is Bob’s uncle. Bob is Jack’s ...                                                        14. Paul and I have the same parentes. He is my...  


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